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Sages Application with who can join explaination
1. Select the small Application Form below.
2. The New Member Application Form
will appear.

3. Select the print option to print
a copy.

4. Select the back arrow
or alt + left arrow keys to return to the SAGES website.

Who Can Join?

To join we need a completed application and membership dues for the first year.
Print and mail the application form to left.

All Persons at least 50 years age are eligible to join the SAGES.

We encourage all
Boeing  and McDonnell/Douglas employees
and member sponsored individuals to join our organization.
Benefits of Joining

We are a social club and have several activities each year;
Luncheons, Picnic, Holiday Ball, Travel, Charity and Newsletter.
Our members become close friends and we have a great time when we get together.
Of course we also have common interest, and we hope to further our cause.